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an embroidered CAKE! patch
a CAKE! patch in its display packaging
iron-on instructions for the CAKE! patch
a CAKE! patch on a blue hat
an even closer picture of the CAKE! patch on a blue hat

Iron-on CAKE! Patch


Do you have a hole in your pants?

Cover it with a CAKE! patch.

You can even iron it on to a ball cap, if you're handy with an iron and a ball cap.

I don't know what else to say to sell these if that doesn't convince you.

CAKE! patches can be picked up at the shop during regular hours (or in the mornings before we open if you call to make sure we're here), or you can ask us to mail it to you if you're in Canada. We plan to add an International shipping option for these in the future, but we haven't yet.

[Neither the hat, nor the brick wall are included. This is just for the iron-on patch]

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